Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I've been in Noosa for 5 days already. This is a place rich people come for the beautiful beaches and boutique shops. It is not big at all. The shops are all on the Hastings Street.

The YHA hostel here is called the Halse Lodge. It's an old wooden building built in 1880. It has also a bar and a bistro which sells breakfast and dinner. The foods are not very delicious but compared to the restaurants here, they're a bit cheaper.

I stayed at room 6. There were a German girl, Tanya, who was a nurse in a town in Germany near Luxembourg border, and a Singapore girl, Jesse Wee, who worked in the TV industry for several years and had traveled to many places already, who were quite friendly. And there was an English boy whose name I didn't know, and he's been a bartender for 11 years. He had been to many many places around the world.

In the days I spent here, most of the time I was at the verandahs resting and reading book and looking the scenery nearby. And I'd been wlking the tracks in Noosa National Park. Track 4 which is along the seashore had the most extraordinary views. I walked along tracks 2 and 5 to Sunshine Beach. And I had lunch there at a life savors' club. The beach there is serene and very beautiful. The main beach here behind Hastings Street is beautuful as well, but usually full of people.

Originally I was planning on finding a job here. But unfortunately this place is too small, there are not many job offers here except for chefs and bartenders. And I miss some friends in Darwin, so I'm flying back to Darwin this evening. It's like returning to the start, the origin, of my journey. I think that temporarily I've been traveling for long enough. And I really need to settle down and get a job for a few months.

Traveling alone is free as a bird, but it's lonely sometimes.

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